一(yi)場(chang)意想不(bu)到(dao)的(de)事(shi)故讓Day受了重傷,讓Itt爲自己的(de)遭遇自(zi)責(ze)。噹(dang)Day醒(xing)來(lai)時完全(quan)沒有(you)記憶(yi),Itt會做什麼?曾經(jing)那麼(me)關心(xin)那麼(me)愛的(de)人(ren),變(bian)得(de)那麼(me)無(wu)情?Itt告訴(su)自(zi)己(ji),“我(wo)必(bi)鬚對白(bai)天有(you)耐心”。~ ~改編自(zi)網(wang)絡小説係列《愛情綜(zong)郃癥》第(di)三冊(ce)(รักโคตรๆโหดอย่างมึง)
An unexpected accident left Day with serious injuries, making It blame himself for what happened to him. What will It do when Day wakes up with no memory at all? The person who used to be so caring and so loving has become so ruthless?
It tells himself, "I must be patient with Day".
~~ Adapted from book 3 of the web novel series "Love Syndrome" (รักโคตรๆ โหดอย่างมึง) by Yeo Nim (ยอนิม).