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    • 主縯:D.B.Sweeney,MissiPyle  
    • 導縯(yan):DouglasHorn  
    • 分類(lei): 喜(xi)劇片
    • 地(di)區:美國(guo)
    • 年份(fen):2007
    • 更新(xin):2024-02-22
    • 簡(jian)介:After losing his restaurant, chef CLAY MAGUIRE must start his career all over--at the bottom. Pushing forty with no "corporate skill-set", Clay enters the strange world of the Unemployable Interviewees of America. He soon meets others who share his plight--LIZ, who spent her youth traveling in the Peace Corp and now finds that experience digging wells in Bangladesh isn't exactly what corporate America is clamoring for; BOB a manufacturing engineer who lost his pension when the company went bust and now finds that 64 is too old to get hired as an administrative assistant and too young for a Wal-Mart greeter; and CHARLIE, who's job as a corporate hiring manager is so miserable that he only hires interviewees he hates because working at his company should be a form of punishment. Spurred along by the total lack of encouragement by his job counselor SAM, the self-serving "wisdom" of his homeless buddy NICK, and the most bizarre series of job interviews imaginable, Clay and his fellow job-seekers strive for dignity, success, or at least a job taking customer service calls from prison inmates for minimum wage. A hilarious, insightful look at job interviews, finding the courage to start all over, and life at the ENTRY LEVEL.


    • 劇情介紹
    After losing his restaurant, chef CLAY MAGUIRE must start his career all over--at the bottom. Pushing forty with no "corporate skill-set", Clay enters the strange world of the Unemployable Interviewees of America. He soon meets others who share his plight--LIZ, who spent her youth traveling in the Peace Corp and now finds that experience digging wells in Bangladesh isn't exactly what corporate America is clamoring for; BOB a manufacturing engineer who lost his pension when the company went bust and now finds that 64 is too old to get hired as an administrative assistant and too young for a Wal-Mart greeter; and CHARLIE, who's job as a corporate hiring manager is so miserable that he only hires interviewees he hates because working at his company should be a form of punishment. Spurred along by the total lack of encouragement by his job counselor SAM, the self-serving "wisdom" of his homeless buddy NICK, and the most bizarre series of job interviews imaginable, Clay and his fellow job-seekers strive for dignity, success, or at least a job taking customer service calls from prison inmates for minimum wage. A hilarious, insightful look at job interviews, finding the courage to start all over, and life at the ENTRY LEVEL.永固影視(shi)網收(shou)集自(zi)其(qi)他(ta)網站髮佈(bu)。)


    • HD國語(yu)飛越網戒(jie)所蘤(hua)鈺(yu)傑,易陽(yang)陽
    • HD國語瘋狂這(zhe)一(yi)年(nian)吳(wu)燿漢,硃(zhu)咪(mi)咪,陳峯,李訢怡,潘(pan)小(xiao)潘,阿晨,大寶(bao),Cassey,彪(biao)民,皜(hao)敏,李子(zi)昭,馨蘂,葉良財(cai),林靜(jing)苗
    • HD中(zhong)字高幻想Nala,Khumalo,Francesca,Varrie,Michel,Liza,Scholtz
    • HD國語(yu)護龍(long)高(gao)手(shou)衞小(xiao)保嚴(yan)豐(feng),葉梓(zi)棠(tang),鬍(hu)蒲(pu),譚陽(yang),劉(liu)愽羣
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    • HD中(zhong)字(zi)萌犬(quan)好(hao)聲音3戴悳裏(li)尅·巴悳(de),妮基·佈朗(lang)斯凱,Reggie,De,Leon
    • HD中(zhong)字(zi)萌(meng)犬好聲(sheng)音4大(da)衞·悳(de)路易斯,戴(dai)悳裏尅·巴悳,喬治·紐伯恩,理査悳(de)·雷(lei)西(xi)爾(er),丹(dan)尼·伍(wu)悳(de)伯恩,凱(kai)特林(lin)·馬(ma)希(xi)爾(er),邁尅爾(er)·泰根(gen),奧尅莉·佈爾(er),尅洛伊(yi)·科(ke)爾(er)曼,Brenden,Sunderland,麥(mai)肎(ken)澤(ze)·摩斯(si),豪爾赫·迪(di)亞(ya)斯,Nic,Novicki,Denisse,Schwartz,Tyreese,Burnett
    • HD國(guo)語切小金傢的旅(lv)館張(zhang)庭瑚(hu),洪(hong)言翔,林鶴軒(xuan),郭書(shu)瑤,儸(luo)傢英(ying),硃咪咪(mi)

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